So I'm pretty much caught up with my script writing. Yesterday I wrote 4,000 words and I'm up to 18,000 for the month. In case you haven't been paying attention, this month marks the inaugural Script Frenzy dealio. It's Chris' latest endeavor, in which people write 20,000 word screenplays (which comes out to about 120 pages, aka a 2 hour movie) in 30 days. (Why can't he pick a month with 31 days? Jeez.)
In a lot of ways, it's been way easier than NaNoWriMo, because it's a hell of a lot less words -- duh -- and all the formatting (names of people speaking, scene descriptors) chews up words like crazy. So even though I fell behind pretty early, I wasn't too worried. All you needed was 600 words a day. I could do that in my sleep.
Funny thing though. It turned out that no matter how often I put my laptop under my pillow that never happened. And it's a lot harder to go off on tangents than with the novels, although like Kristina mentioned one good sex scene eats up a ton of words.
My script is about this bike nerd who works as a mechanic in a shop. He can't actually ride bikes, though, because every time he gets on one crazy bad things happen. Anyway, he's also having trouble with the ladies, so he signs up for this experimental injection that unleashes your pheromones, making most ladies find you irresistible. At least it's supposed to. Be assured, however, that hilarity ensues.
But it's also a romance, so he meets this woman who makes wild flower soap. The problem is that the serum only lasts for a month, so he's worried that she won't like him when it wears off. Oh yeah, and there's bad side effects. Let's see, there's also a big dog, a Cyclotron race, an evil ex-girlfriend, and lots of carrot juice involved. I actually think there's some funny ideas in it, but boy does the dialogue suck.
The Script Frenzy wrap party is on Sunday, July 1 at Root Division at 7 p.m. Everyone's invited -- free food! -- and Chris has collected a bunch of actors (including the very talented Greenfield, Mass, native Jon Wolanske) to act out scenes from peoples' scripts. I plan on giving them a slapstick sex scene, which should be heelarious.
Phasors On Stun
14 years ago