Waldo won the prize for best ensemble.

I call this one Lil' Lord Fontleroy meets OG Shiny Shirt.

Brett channels his inner raver and metalhead, all at once.

Have you ever noticed that a person's eyes are not the same size or shape? Kind of creepy.

And when the guys started stripping down, Waldo jumped right in. Look at those pecs!

Hey, where'd those photos come from? Where's your Friday Fun comic strip? You stole the polaroid from Rickshaw! Look at that sweaty back next to Waldo! You can tell he's "feelin' it" they way his eyes are closed. Hott.
Sorry, I should've given props to Fresh Pink for the awesome photos. And I "borrowed" the polaroid from the Shaw, and will now return it, having shared it with the Internets.
White parties are racist?
More comics, less naked men, thanks.
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