You may be wondering who Dr. Todd and Kelly are and why we were invited. Well, it turns out they met at Three Kinds of Stupid 004, way back in 2004. That was the one at Victoria's old loft on Mission, the one where 200 complete strangers showed up and finished off the keg by 10:30, the one where the amp blew around 11:30. Well, the story goes that Todd put the moves on Kelly by whispering something in her ear, but she wasn't too impressed. However, later on the dancing got going, and they found themselves having a fantastic time doing some kind of "hoedown" in a circle (I recall Chris being in his Scottish jig DJ period). At the end of the night, Kelly came up and asked Todd how she could find out about more of these parties, and instead of pointing over to us Todd did the smart thing. He told her that HE could alert her, if she would just take down his phone number. Smooooth.
Oh yeah, she told me that the reason she'd come to the party was that someone had described it as "the kind of party where cops show up, even though the guys who throw it really don't seem like the kind of guys who throw parties where cops show up." Too long for a bumper sticker but still cool.
So, I can't promise that you'll meet the man or woman of your dreams tonight and I'm pretty sure the cops won't show up, but I can say that the Three Kinds of Stupid Presents party will feature two fun bands (Music For Animals, Airborne Toxic Event) and a bunch of DJs (me, Chris, our pal Eric subbing from Brent) spinning dancey rock, booty rap, 80s pop, and just maybe some Yiddish electro-rap. Here's the flyer:

And new Grumpy Guy:

In my experience women mostly only talk about bad sex. Unless it was sex in a dream or sex from a long time ago.
I'm sure that makes you feel better, huh?
three kinds of stupid presents? ok, there's the cd...what are the other stupid presents? whoopie cushion?
stupid jokes, perhaps? hilarious, stupid jokes.
i've had girlfriends who've told their girlfriends nice things about me. at least they said they did. hmm...
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