It's that time of year. Or rather that time of every four years, when the Republicans (and occasionally the Dems) make me very very mad. With their lying and prevaricating (what does that mean, ack, I'm too lazy to look it up). Dear God, do they ever know how to rally round the flag (or terrorist strike or hopelessly unprepared Soccer Pitbull). So much crap to spew, so little time. And the "liberal media" stands by and lets it happen. When John Stewart is the only one asking the hard questions, we have a serious problem. Watch here as he lays out the many hypocrises of the Repub leadership. Or where he points out that Sarah Palin has more executive experience than any candidate, including John McCain, and Eye of Newt Gingrich goes, "Exactly!" Then there's Samantha Bee's report from the convention floor, in which she tries to get delegates to use the word "choice" to describe Palin's daughter's baby dilemma. Looks like the one woman's head will explode if she speaks the word at one point.
At least we don't have Rudy "Dispeptic Venom Spitter" Giuliani as nominee. And Mike Huckabee seems like a nice guy -- shame about those awful politics. But can someone please stick a muzzle on Karl Rove? Or maybe a nice pair of prison grays?
You know how Wonkette started calling McCain "Walnuts" ages ago, because of his disturbingly distended cheeks?
Well, maybe they should use "No Nuts" for Palin.
I take it back. She's not hot. She's scary. I leave the last line to Conan O'Brien. "She said she's a life-long member of the National Rifle Association. Which may explain why she's in favor of shotgun weddings."
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