Rick Warren sucks eggs, but he didn't do anything bad, other than try (and fail) to approximate a black preacher. Rev Joesph Lowery, however, was damn awesome -- from that gravely voice to his sweet jazzy rhymes ("We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back; when brown can stick around; when yellow will be mellow; when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right"). Let's get this man a weekly radio address and see what else he comes up with.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Dick Cheney rolled out in a wheelchair only so people wouldn't boo him. This is a guy who shot his friend's face off with a hunting rifle. He is not going to be taken out by a little box. Now, if he had his hand caught in a shredder, I'd understand.
I spent Inauguration night at a quintessential Berkeley gathering. I can't remember the last time I was 20 years younger than most everyone in the room. Or where everyone knew all the words (and sang along excitedly) to "This Land Is Your Land." Great desserts, though.
You know what's nice? Having the hippest president ever. Really. Yeah, Clinton busted out his sax on Arsenio, but he played like Kenny G. Did you see Barack dancing with Michelle, while Beyonce cried/sang "At Last"? Jesus, is it possible to be turned on and moved at the same time? No more Kenny Chestnut or Charlie Daniels or crappy cornpone. Now we get to see Sting (with a Taliban beard!) and Bono and Bruce Springsteen … oh, wait, those are all white guys. Well, Usher and Kanye West and Mary J Blige and Stevie Wonder were there too.
And just look at this pic from 1996, when the Obamas weren't in politics at all. That is one cool/hot couple.

You know what else is going to be fun? Watching Joe Biden screw up for the next four-to-eight years. Already, Jon Stewart is pointing out Obama giving him the "shut the fuck up" face during the second swearing in. Hoo boy.
Do you think Cheney is hurt by Stewart's constant jokes about him being Darth Vader and emitting a toxic gas instead of carbon dioxide? And was Bush hurt by Obama's blatant "let's wipe the screen clean" comments during his speech? I've got to say that speech gave me hope that he's going to be more liberal than he appeared during the campaign.
Then again, anyone who thinks that this country is suddenly all hugs and kisses isn't watching Fox News or going to this NYC baker's racist shop.

Oh G.G., can you get any funnier?
i'm torn about the white house bowling alley. i know it's tacky as hell and a throwback to truman. but bowling. it's like saying goodbye to strachota lanes again. well not really.
my new b**g was in small part inspired by the footage of obama doing the bump with aretha. mostly though it was freshpink who insisted:
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