April is sick, so she watched Hamlet 2 today. I only caught bits of it, but this line from one song seems appropriate for the upcoming holiday:
"You're as gay as the day is long/You're as gay as Barney Frank's dong."

On a similar topic, I read this fascinating article about women and arousal in the New York Times. Apparently, women get turned on by practically everything and everyone (including bonobo monkeys engaging in sexual congress -- ooh, I used "congress" in two very different ways this post -- but not including naked men walking down a beach). And they also get very turned on by other people being super-excited to be with them, which can explain rape fantasies and why ladies liked Bill Clinton so much. Also, the perfect man is Denzel Washington, because he will both protect you and throw you up against a dirty drainpipe before doing you.
I did some research on arousal recently (ho ho, not that kind of research) to see if there were differences between men and women. It seems, from my small amount of data, that men think about sex more often when they're not getting it, whereas women think about it more when they are (and everyone thinks about it more when they've got a boring office job). When imagining sex, men usually think about people they haven't been with or would like to be with, while women think of men they're with currently. Of course, there are many exceptions to these HARD and fast rules.
Anyway, we're going to Citron for dinner to celebrate on Sunday. Anyone been there and have suggestions?
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