Before they're born, elephants actually run in their mommies' stomachs, in order to build up muscle strength.
The author of the Poky Little Puppy, one of the most popular picture books of all time, was paid $75. With no royalties. (Not sure, but I bet he/she died a bitter woman.)
Margaret Wise Brown, the author of Goodnight Moon, was heavily influenced by Gertrude Stein. They both hated commas and other punctuation.
In the '70s, Donny & Marie Osmond got their very own children's book, just like other famed TV personalities Bugs Bunny and Bullwinkle.
Oh yeah, I also learned a lot of stuff about how to get published. But you don't want to hear about that.

On the way home, I was listening to a '90s playlist on my iPod, which led to me spending the next hour trying to figure out what was the best band of that decade. I decided that the deciding factor would be which group had the most great albums, not just the most great songs. And by great albums, I meant albums I still thought were great today. So, after much thought, it looks like there's a two-way tie for first.
Belle & Sebastian - 3 (although if you count the collected EPs it's 4)
Luna - 3 (wow, who knew they'd have such staying power?)
Yo La Tengo - 2 (while some folks, like Brent, would argue 3, I find Painful snoozy and Electro-Pura hit or miss, and Nothing Turned came out in 2000)
Pavement - 2 (seriously, Wowee Zowee and Brighten the Corners ain't that great)
Bedhead - 2 (but, man, what 2 great discs!)
Country Teasers - 2 (yes, 2! so great!)
The Sea & Cake - 2 (oh, The Biz rules)
Guided By Voices - 1 (Pee Ew Thousand, I say)
Stereolab - 1 (all you really need is Emperor Tomato Ketchup)
Thoughts? Omissions? Grouses?

Wowee Zowee is my favorite Pavement album and the only one I listen to regularly now.
Which 3 Luna albums? I only count 2 good ones, myself (Penthouse and Bewitched).
How about Beck? Odelay and Midnite Vultures stand up for me. But I like MV the way I like Wowee Zowee.
Lunapark also rulez! "Slash Your Tires," "Slide," so good!
I considered Beck, but I don't like MV very much. Maybe I should go back and listen to it and Mutations. I do like Mellow Gold a lot, but it's got some trash. Same with One Foot in the Grave.
I agree with Wendy about both Beck albums!
Where did you eat in Davis?
Had to settle for lunch they provided, then headed home to watch the Celts.
The whole list is called into question as a function of not including Painful as a worthy YLT album.
One's favorite Pavement album cannot be WZ. I assume W. has not heard of this S&E album.
Bedhead. Until last week, I completely forget about Bedhead. Where are they now?
I might have to add Built to Spill's Nothing Wrong with Love and Keep it Like a Secret. Both good 90's albums.
The two Bedhead brothers formed the New Year, which isn't as good, altho the first LP is pretty great, because it was written for Bedhead.
Ah, I meant to put Built to Spill on there, altho I would say that singles collection and Keep It are the keepers. I think Nothing Wrong has some filler, but I know I'm in the minority there.
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