I would stress that she acted like a total prat the whole time, fuming and pacing around the stage, calling the sound crap, while even she admitted it sounded great for the openers. (Hollywood Holt was just awesome -- that guy will be a star, if there's any justice.) She also told everyone that SHE'd give them their money back, which of course meant a run of people at the bar, blaming us for the sound and demanding their cash back, when the whole thing was of her making (it would've been better if they stormed the green room and demanded their money directly from her; maybe then she wouldn't have trashed the place). What else? She seemed drunk, but not as drunk as during the in-store clip that is on the SF Weekly site. She started crying towards the end of her last aborted song, which makes me think that maybe she's not ready for the big time. I mean, who lets their fans down by playing only three songs, then trashes the club (verbally and physically), tells everyone to get their money back, and then slips out the back door without saying anything to the management? And does the same thing night after night! Uncool.
In other news, some friends got married recently. I gave them this Burger Halen print by Thomas Lessner. He's from Philly and he's one of Amanda Blank's favorite artists. He paints lots of metal and soft-rock icons, and he did this hilarious ad for Sn*ckers (scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the dude three times).
Hey, remember Cody ChestnuTT? The guy that the two girls in Me, You, and Everyone You Know demanded be the soundtrack to their blowjob competition? Well, apparently now he's found God, and he plays one long song at shows, where he requests no one clap. I liked him better when he "Looked Good in Leather."
Look, Grumpy Guy's back!

I hate it when artists I like end up being self-absorbed jerks. This is how my late 90's relationship with Courtney Love ended.
That's it, Lady Sov is officially out of my dj rotation. Let's see her try and sell records without being featured at least 2 times a year in a TKS dj set. It's like getting your CDs pulled from Wallmart ... career suicide.
And, everyone knows the sound at Rickshaw is excellent. Just the other night, I sat across from a local band member who said "we love playing the Rickshaw, the sound is always great."
I liked CC better when he was naming babies Rock 'n' roll.
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