Yeah, we haven't done one of those in, like, a year. (Does anyone say "like" anymore? I just watched Wassup Rockers and they sure say "and then" a lot, but that came out years ago.) We're getting old. And busy. But we still know how to bring it. Or at least I think we do. I DJed a holiday party last week, and people seemed to be enjoying themselves (ie drinking and dancing badly but energetically). Too many Lady Gaga requests, but I guess that's to be expected these days. One guy even dressed like her -- to the undiscerning eye, aka me, he looked like a giant stalk of rhubarb.
So we've decided to make this TKS party special by also making it a Key Party.
I know, I know, key parties are soooo '70s. And creepy. Not this one. There'll be monkeys, donkeys, church keys, and many more keys for you to go home with. Who knows maybe you'll even meet that special someone (there have been 2 documented instances of future spouses meeting at TKS parties).
Like usual, there'll be a cool local band (Geographer) and a free cd. I got the idea for the cd cover from a book I scored over the holidays: Sleeveface.
Sleeveface became a big deal on Flickr ages ago, but people (ahem, us) are still discovering it. Really, I've just been too lazy to do it before now. And we didn't spend nearly as much time as some of these folks did.
Still, I highly recommend trying it. It's pretty dang fun.
Los TKS.
Mas TKS.
With Marlo in the middle.
So see you at Rickshaw Stop for TKS020 on Saturday, January 30. Oh yeah, and for you vinyl fetishists, I just got a copy of My Bloody Valentine's Things Left Behind on LP at Amoeba. It's a collection of several extremely rare EPs and some of my favorite noise-pop tunes ever.
Hello! Just bloghopping. Great blog!
Happy blogging! :)
My friend and I were recently discussing about technology, and how integrated it has become to our daily lives. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further develops, the possibility of transferring our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I dream about all the time.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]r4i dsi[/url] DS NetPost)
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