But this one went swimmingly. Beautiful weather, great view, not too many Hell's Angel's crashing it, Alice's Restaurant right across the street. The only minor disturbance occurred right after this picture was taken, when a baby behind me dispensed one of the loudest, wettest blow outs ever.
Kristina and Tim gave amazing toasts that had many people getting all teary faced. Kristina told this great story about how Tim had told Kathleen about Eric before he'd moved out here, and so whenever one of her dates would go awry, she'd say, "At least I'll be able to date Eric Doherty." It became an inside joke, which became an inside job, er, marriage. This has led to me "joke" about how I'll be able to date the lottery soon. Mmm, lottery.
Anyhoo, there were lots of folks returning to town for the nuptials. Like Rolf and Michele, Victoria, and Shana. It was almost like old times, except that no one was wearing playa dust or a sweatshirt that said "Number One Grandpa."
After the reception, many folks headed over to the Portola Campgrounds to hang out with the married couple on the spot where they met. The night ended with 20 people circled around a fire, receiving a lesson in "street funk" by Kathleen and Kristina. I really wish someone had captured the drunken gyrating on their camera. Maybe somebody can break out The Salt Lick move at Bardot a Go Go (coming up on July 14).
Now, the return of Grumpy Guy!

Forever's not THAT long.
You're right, Kathleen looks so very pretty!
Oh yeah, another thing, re: bardot a go go and swanky mod outfits, Stop The Clock in Berkeley is STILL open, where'd you hear otherwise?
she couldn't stop smiling thru the whole ceremony. it was so cute!
not sure about who told me wrong about STC, but i already found a cool/ridiculous shirt at aardvarks. plus a rad green 40s suit for shana's wedding.
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