Friday, June 19, 2009

Impossibly Cute

My dad just reported this conversation between him and my seven-year-old sister, Yi Rong:

YR: Is Danny going to stay with April, not like his other girlfriends?

Dad: I don't know.

YR: Seems like they're pretty happy.

Dad: Yes, but it's pretty hard to know that kind of thing.

YR: Probably Danny doesn't even know.

Dad: Right.

Wow. Seven going on 37, I'd say. Could you get any cuter?

And, yes, they call me Danny.


kooky komments said...

That means "Danny's Song" could be about you!

wendy said...

that's some high-quality precociousness.

freshpinkstyle said...

Haha, she's pretty smart, but I am wondering how April feels about the "Probably Danny doesn't even know."- part of this post.

Dan said...

He knows, he knows!