Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tough cookies, nervous hours

Oh god oh god oh god, please let Obama win. I promise I will believe in you a little.

Here's some photos from Halloween, when a bunch of us went to Root Division and then crashed a party in the Mission -- and then got thrown out after barfing and fighting. Seriously.

I am Tough Cookie.

Spoiled Milk kickin' it with Hester Prynne.

The dynamic duo.

Several people thought I was a cow.

Things started to get a little woozy.

Then some guy picked a picked a fight with Dan about the impending release date of Chinese Democracy.

Brent and Marlo came late, all hopped up on absinthe, and missed the fight.

From earlier today.


Anonymous said...

I wish there was a picture of milk and cookie together. You know, cookie dunking himself in milk's does-the-body-goodness. Cookie caressing milk's creamy white box. Something like that.

Anonymous said...

i dressed as a ninja but everyone kept calling me hezbollah. i didn't appreciate that.
d boy

freshpinkstyle said...

Kathleen in a fro basketball player style! That's an awesome preggie lady costume. Word!

Also, I love the "packaging design" on spoiled milk's box. Did she do that herself?